Guest Post by Author PD Alleva

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is PD Alleva. I’m a writer of horror novels like Golem and Jigglyspot and the Zero Intellect, and scifi stories about alien vampires. I’ve been writing all my life. I remember writing a short story in second grade about an escaped hamster that survives on crayons while hiding for years in a local elementary school. Years later, the hamster grows so big he begins to terrorize the students. Guess I had the horror bug at an early age.

Wrote my first full-length book at the age of twelve, a fantasy novel about the book of the dead that was inspired by a dream, Dungeons and Dragons and a little known movie at the time called, Time Bandits, with a little Lord of the Rings thrown in for good measure. I’ve written to date multiple books, probably more than thirty, although I’ve only published nine thanks to the great laptop tragedy of 2005.

I’ve also been a psychotherapist and hypnotist for the past twenty years, specializing in treating trauma and PTSD. People often ask if being a psychotherapist makes me a better writer, but it’s quite the opposite, being a writer makes me a better therapist. I was raised on the classics and those classics are all about the heart of the human condition. You can learn a lot by reading, especially about humanity, how we tick and what drives our actions. In order to be a good writer you’ve got to understand the human heart, and the human heart is always on full display in literature. I’ve also had education and indulgences in quantum mechanics (I read those books for fun), science of mind, and neuro-linguistic programming not to mention an indulgence in ancient philosophy and of course ancient aliens too. Concepts that I bring into my fictional world to describe the supernatural, paranormal, and energy of the ethereal and astral plane’s of existence. As I always say, my stories are metaphors to describe the shifting energies that exist across the universe.

My personal philosophy is simple: be courteous and treat others with respect while carrying a big stick because the world is filled with angels and demons and you never know which is which, because they all hide in plain site. So operate on a Shakespearean philosophy of trust few, but love all. Although you’d probably never know this if you read one of my books. I don’t pull punches in my stories and I don’t believe that happily ever after comes that easy, nor does it always last either. Sometimes the bad guy wins is all I’m saying, and that’s a true reflection of life.

So, what does one get in a PD novel? I guess the short answer is, all of the above. All wrapped in a story filled with thrills, chills, chaos and mayhem. Sometimes it’s a fast paced thrill ride of depravity, and sometimes it’s a slow burn or a literary gem. I don’t believe in placing limits on myself and as a writer I enjoy indulging in different writing styles. I was raised on the classics with influences that include Dante’s Inferno, Paradise Lost, Faust, The Canterbury Tales, and then on to books like The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Count of Monte Cristo, then my beloved literature of the 1800’s with Frankenstein, Poe, the Bronte Sisters, Washington Irving, Stevenson, and of course Dracula. Then toss in the Pulp Fiction craze and drive that narrative on to Ray Bradbury and Lovecraft and Richard Matheson and Shirley Jackson while indulging in the literature of Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Kerouac, Rand, Dostoevsky, Burrows and Plath. From then on its Stephen King, Clive Barker and Anne Rice. I’ve also had periods where all I read was philosophy, like William Blake and Nietzsche, and poetry from Walt Whitman, and Lord Byron to name a few. Hell, I even had a strange period where I indulged in Nicholas Spark’s novels. So, you never know when or where some of those inspirations are going to pop up in a PD novel. Shit, I think even Jigglyspot is an odd love story. An odd love story filled with demons, cannibal clowns, dark lords, goddesses, and mind control, but with a streamlined narrative where love is at the heart of the matter.

Jigglyspot is a five-foot tall, half-human half-warlock carnival clown who moonlights as a drug dealing pimp and lackey for demonic entities from Xibabla. He’s the main character in my soon to be published horror fantasy thriller novel, Jigglyspot and the Zero Intellect. The story was inspired by pulp fiction stories and the old grindhouse movies of the 70s and b-rated slasher films from the 80s. The story is told through third person multiple points of view. I enjoy getting into the minds of my characters and I do enjoy bringing all their stories together in a classic epic battle between good and evil. It’s not for the faint of heart and some of the concepts are way over the top, although fun to indulge in.

If you enjoy horror, or thrillers, fantasy or sci-fi, Jigglyspot is definitely the book for you. It’s a wild romp across America with some very questionable and shady characters. Or, what I like to refer to as just damn good fun. As they say, you don’t just read Jigglyspot, you DEVOUR Jigglyspot.

Keep reading, and thank you for reading my little article.

Happy Halloween,

PD Alleva

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